Tuesday, September 2, 2008

LABOR Day...

Ah, Labor Day. The official end of summer. One last chance to relive the fun and frivolity of youth by spending some time playing in the sun before the stress and obligations of the day-to-day catch up to you after a well deserved holiday...

...or so it SHOULD be.

Friday was my typical day of working both jobs. I managed to get let go a bit early, but it was still a 12 hour work day. Saturday I managed to take Courtney to the comic book store and grab a few "necessities", before spending the entire afternoon disassembling the final piece of a HUGE playscape Sonya found on Craig's List. I hiked out to Clinton Twp., took it apart, loaded it up, brought it home, went to Home Depot for a few replacement screws and bolts, put it back together, and headed for work at the video store again. On the upside, it was great weather for it.

Sunday, Sonya and the kids were to head up to the cottage so I could have some time to work on my backlog of learning tracks for my adopted quartet in Nevada. I was going to knock out the tracks that evening and follow them up later that evening or the following morning. I planned to bring the laptop with me to the cottage to do some tweaking between dips in Lake Erie and a beer or two. They didn't manage to leave until about 5:30, leaving me little time to work in the evening, other than learning the parts a bit. This left me working on them on Labor Day...ALL DAY Labor Day.

Sonya borrowed my bank card to get some gas for her car on the way to the cottage, leaving me with $10 and a couple bags of deposit bottles. Just enough to pay the toll for the bridge or tunnel on my way up. What I didn't consider was that *I* didn't have enough gas to make it to there, myself. No problem, I'll just carpool with her brother, Jeremy, and save on gas and tolls. Well, he decided to be in the Hamtramck parade with the unicycle club, then spent the remainder of the day hunting down his cat to bring with him. Needless to say, I didn't manage to get to the cottage for my last dose of summer "maxin' an' relaxin'" (not that I've had a single dose of such all summer).

So while waiting to get in touch with Jeremy (who NEVER answers his phone, apparently), I worked on my learning tracks. I started at 10am and before I knew it, it was 7:30pm. I spent the entire GORGEOUS day, cooped inside infront of my computer. No e-mail, no chatting, no TV, no video games - just work. The buggar of it all was that the piece wasn't even that difficult! I should have been able to crank this one out in a few hours, but between my perfectionist nature and a computer crash or two (figurative AND literal) it ended up taking the whole friggin' day! Much of that was likely due to my lack of distraction and tendency to nit-pick my work to death, but still, it would have been nice to enjoy a BIT of the holiday weekend!

About 7:30, I realized I hadn't eaten all day, so I did manage to duck out to return some videos and stop by my friend Jack's place for a barbecue. I spent about an hour there munching on the remains of the now mostly deserted soire and chatting with Jack. That was nice. Then I headed home to finish my final mixdowns. I forced myself to watch some Comedy Central while I did the final steps on the job, just so I could pretend to have done some fun stuff on the weekend.

Only 11, 238 day until retirement!! Woo-hoo!

Oh wait, I'm a GenX'er. We don't HAVE retirement...


dianaschnuth said...

Oh wait, I'm a GenX'er. We don't HAVE retirement...

Speak for yourself. I have enough funds in my 401(k) for at least a good week or two of the retired life. :-D

Musical Daddy said...

A week! ZOMG, you're doing well. 8 years of teaching, and I've got enough for a day or two.

Maybe I'll get lucky and get run over by a rich person that I can sue.